Next Scientific Assembly (2023)

The 28th IUGG General Assembly (IUGG2023 GA) will be held from 12 to 19 July 2023 at the City Cube in Berlin, Germany. The IUGG GA is one of the world’s most important geoscientific events, with more than 5000 participants. It takes place every four years. The 28th General Assembly will be organized by GFZ and will therefore be a special occasion for GFZ and its international partners to present their common research. 


IAPSO Office: Room O10, City Cube, Level 1. 

IAPSO Business meetings and side events

Date Time Room Meeting/Event Name  
Tuesday, July 11 08:30-12:00 R3, City Cube, Level 3 1st Executive Committee Meeting by invitation only 
Thu, July 13 15:30 – 17:00 R3, City Cube, Level 3 Meeting of the Tidal Analysis IAPSO Best Practice Study Group  
Friday, July 14 18:30-20:00 M1, City Cube, Level 3 General Business Meeting by invitation only    AGENDA
Saturday, July 15 15:30-17:00 A4, City Cube, Level 1 Medal Ceremony PROGRAM
Saturday, July 15 19:30 - ...   IAPSO Conference dinner  INFORMATION
Sunday, July 16 18:30-20:00 New York 2, Hall 7, Level 1 Joint Tsunami Commission Business Meeting (IAPSO, IASPEI, IAVCEI)  
Monday, July 17 18:30-20:00 R3, City Cube, Level 3 2nd Executive Committee Meeting by invitation only 

IAPSO Announcements

First Announcement 

Second Announcement

Third Announcement

Eugene LaFond Medal 2023 - Call for self-nominations

IAPSO Conference Dinner (15 July 2023) 



To promote the study of the oceans and the interactions that take place at its boundaries with the sea floor, coastal environment and atmosphere, through the use of physics, chemistry, mathematics and biogeochemisty.


IAPSO gives importance to involving scientists and students from developing countries in oceanographic activities.


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