No. 1. S.F. Grace (1931):
I. Historical review of dynamical explanations of tides in non-elongated enclosed seas and lakes.
II. Historical review of dynamical explanations of the tides of the Mediterranean, the Baltic Sea, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Arctic Ocean. 1.9 Mb
No. 2. J. Proudman (1932): Tidal bibliography
1. Publications issued before 1910
2. Publications issued during 1929
3. Publications issued during 1930 2.6 Mb
No. 3. Association d'Océanographie Physique (1936): Bibliography on tides and certain kindred matters (fourth instalment) 3.4 Mb
No. 4. P.E. Church (1937): Temperature of the Western North Atlantic from thermograph records 4.1 Mb
No. 5. Association d'Océanographie Physique (1939): Monthly and annual mean heights of sea-level, up to and including the year 1936 27.2 Mb
No. 6. Association d'Océanographie Physique (1939): Bibliography on tides and certain kindred matters (fifth installment) 1.6 Mb
No. 7. J.P. Jacobsen and M. Knudsen (1940): Urnormal 1937 or primary standard sea-water 1937 3.5 Mb
No. 8. Association d'Océanographie Physique (1940): Report of the committee on the criteria and nomenclature of the major divisions of the ocean bottom 10.5 Mb
No. 9. B. Helland-Hansen, J.P. Jacobsen and T.G. Thompson (1948): Chemical methods and units 2.9 Mb
No. 10. Association d'Océanographie Physique (1950): Monthly and annual mean heights of sea-level, 1937 to 1946, and unpublished data from earlier years 13.2 Mb
No. 11. J.P. Jacobsen, R.J. Robinson and T.G. Thompson (1950): A review of the determination of dissolved oxygen in sea water by the Winkler method 1.9 Mb
No. 12. Association d'Océanographie Physique (1953): Monthly and annual mean heights of sea level, 1947 to 1951, and unpublished data from earlier years 8.9 Mb
No. 13. Association d'Océanographie Physique (1954): Secular variation of sea-level 3.2 Mb
No. 14. G. Böhnecke (1955): The Principles of measuring currents 6.2 Mb
No. 15. Association d'Océanographie Physique (1955): Bibliography on tides 1665-1939. 9.9 Mb
No. 16. J.R. Lumby and O.H. Saelen (1957): Report on oceanographical work from ocean weather ships 1.4 Mb
No. 17. Association d'Océanographie Physique (1957): Bibliography on tides 1940-1954 2.7 Mb
No. 18. Association d'Océanographie Physique (1957): Bibliography on generation of currents and changes of surface-level in oceans, seas and lakes by wind and atmospheric pressure, 1726-1955 6.6 Mb
No. 19. Association d'Océanographie Physique (1958): Monthly and annual mean heights of sea-level, 1952 to 1956, and unpublished data for earlier years 5.8 Mb
No. 20. Association d'Océanographie Physique (1959): Monthly and annual mean heights of sea-level for the period of the International Geophysical Year (1957 to 1958) and unpublished data from earlier years 4.9 Mb
No. 21. Not available.
No. 22. Association d'Océanographie Physique (1963): Bibliographical classification 4.7 Mb
No. 23. Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (1961): Catalogue of published mean sea level data, 1807-1958 (also published as UGGI Monographie No.13) 5.6 Mb
No. 24. Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (1963): Monthly and annual mean heights of sea level, 1959-1961, and unpublished data from earlier years (also published as UGGI Monographie No. 21) 6.1 Mb
No. 25. Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (1964): Bibliography on mean sea level, 1719-1958 (also published as UGGI Monographie No. 26) 2.9 Mb
No. 26. Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (1968): Monthly and annual mean heights of sea level, 1962-1964 10.2 Mb
No. 27. Association Internationale d'Océanographie Physique (A.I.O.P.) and Organization des Nations Unies pour l'éducation, la science at la culture (UNESCO)(1967): Proceedings of the Symposium on tidal instrumentation and preditions of tides. Paris, 3-7 mai 1965 21.9 Mb
No. 28. V.B. Stockmann (1967): The theory of oceanic circulation as developed in the USSR over the past fifty years 2.0 Mb
No. 29. Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (1971): Bibliography on mean sea level 1959-1969 and bibliography on tides 1955-1969 2.2 Mb
No. 30. D.E. Cartwright, B.D. Zetler, B.V. Hamon (1979): Pelagic tidal constants 2.5 Mb
No. 31. M. Menaché, J. Crease, G. Girard, R.B. Montgomery, G.N. Invanoff-Frantzkevitch (SUN WG) (1979): SUN Report on the use in Physical Sciences of the Ocean of the SYSTEME INTERNATIONAL D'UNITES (S.I.) and related standards for symbols and terminology 4.0 Mb
No. 32. WG on Symbols, Units and Nomenclature in Physical Oceanography (SUN) (1985): The International System of Units (SI) in Oceanography, UNESCO Technical Papers in marine science n. 45 41.3 Mb
No. 33. D.E. Cartwright and B.D. Zetler (1985): Pelagic Tidal Constants 2 1.8 Mb
No. 34. S.V. Durvasula and E.C. LaFond (eds) (1990): Oceanographic Sciences in Developing Countries. Proceedings of IAPSO/CDC Workshops on Oceanographic Advice to Developing Countries (Vancouver 1987 and Acapulco 1988) 8.3 Mb
No. 35. M.J. Smithson (1992): Pelagic Tidal Constants 3 12.4 Mb
No. 36. S.V. Durvasula (ed)(1996): Present and Future of Oceanographic Programs in Developing Countries, Vienna and Honolulu. 33.1 Mb
No. 1. Conseil International de Recherches, Union Géodésique et Géophysique Internationale, Section d'Oceanographie Physique (1921): Réunion plénière de Paris (25-28 Janvier 1921) 5.1 Mb
No. 2. Conseil International de Recherches, Union Géodésique et Géophysique Internationale, Section d'Oceanographie Physique (1923): Réunion du Comité exécutif, Paris (10 Janvier 1922) 9.6 Mb
No. 3. Conseil International de Recherches, Union Géodésique et Géophysique Internationale, Section d'Oceanographie Physique (1923): Réunion plénière, Rome (4-10 May 1922) 8.3 Mb
No. 4. Conseil International de Recherches, Union Géodésique et Géophysique Internationale, Section d'Oceanographie Physique (1923): Liste des océanographes des pays adhérant à l'Union (Edition provisorie) 4.8 Mb
No. 5. Conseil International de Recherches, Union Géodésique et Géophysique Internationale, Section d'Oceanographie Physique (1925): Réunion plénière de la Section (Madrid, Octobre 1924) 4.3 Mb
No. 6(a). Conseil International de Recherches, Union Géodésique et Géophysique Internationale, Section d'Oceanographie Physique (1925): Liste des océanographes des pays adhérant à l'Union (2nd Edition - 1re Livraison) 5.7 Mb
No. 6(b). Conseil International de Recherches, Union Géodésique et Géophysique Internationale, Section d'Oceanographie Physique (1927): Liste des océanographes des pays adhérant à l'Union (2nd Edition - 2de Livraison) 9.0 Mb
No. 7. Conseil International de Recherches, Union Géodésique et Géophysique Internationale, Section d'Oceanographie Physique (1927): Instituts et Laboratoires s'occupant de l'étude de la mer (Edition provisorie) 15.7 Mb
No. 8. Conseil International de Recherches, Union Géodésique et Géophysique Internationale, Section d'Oceanographie Physique (1927): Réunion plénière de la Section (Madrid, Octobre 1924) 3.6 Mb
No. 9. Conseil International de Recherches, Union Géodésique et Géophysique Internationale, Section d'Oceanographie Physique (1927): Réunion du Comité exécutif, Stra (Juillet 1926) 3.7 Mb
No. 10. Conseil International de Recherches, Union Géodésique et Géophysique Internationale, Section d'Oceanographie Physique (1927): Rapports (Assemblée generale de Prague - September 1927) 10.6 Mb
No. 11. Conseil International de Recherches, Union Géodésique et Géophysique Internationale, Section d'Oceanographie Physique (1928): Réunion plénière de la Section (Prague, September 1927) 13.3 Mb
No. 12. Conseil International de Recherches, Union Géodésique et Géophysique Internationale, Section d'Oceanographie Physique, Prof. J. Proudman, Secrétaire du Comité des Marées (1929): Bibliographie des Marées (1910-1927) 4.3 Mb
No. 13. Conseil International de Recherches, Union Géodésique et Géophysique Internationale, Section d'Oceanographie Physique (1930): Réunion du Comité exécutif (Séville, 1 May 1929) 2.7 Mb
No. 14. Conseil International de Recherches, Union Géodésique et Géophysique Internationale, Section d'Oceanographie Physique (1930): Réunion plénière de la Section (Stockholm, Aout 1930) 6.0 Mb
No. 15. Conseil International de Recherches, Union Géodésique et Géophysique Internationale, Section d'Oceanographie Physique (1930): Historical Review of Dynamical Explanations of Tides and Seiches in Narrow Seas and Lakes by J. Proudman and S.F. Grace 2.4 Mb
No. 16. Conseil International de Recherches, Union Géodésique et Géophysique Internationale, Section d'Oceanographie Physique (1931): Liste des Traités et Conventions internationaux concernant l'Océanographie, la Sureté de la Navigation et la Peche - Liste des Instituts et personnalités admises à l'échange des publications 3.7 Mb
No. 17. Conseil International de Recherches, Union Géodésique et Géophysique Internationale, Section d'Oceanographie Physique (1931): Tidal bibliography 1.5 Mb
No. 1. Association d'Océanographie Physique (1934): Cinquième Assemblée Générale réunie à Lisbonne, September 1933 1.4 Mb
No. 2. Association d'Océanographie Physique (1937): General Assembly at Edinburgh, September 1936 4.0 Mb
No. 3. Association d'Océanographie Physique (1940): General Assembly at Washington, September 1939 5.5 Mb
No. 4. Association d'Océanographie Physique (1949): General Assembly at Oslo, August 1948 11.1 Mb + Appendix
2.0 Mb
No. 5. Association d'Océanographie Physique (1952): General Assembly at Brussels, August 1951 6.5 Mb
No. 6. Association d'Océanographie Physique (1955): General Assembly at Rome, September 1954 8.8 Mb
No. 7. Association d'Océanographie Physique (1960): General Assembly at Toronto, September 1957 11.3 Mb
No. 8. General Assembly at Helsinki, August 1960. Not available.
No. 9. General Assembly at Berkeley, August 1963. Not available.
No. 10. Association International des Sciences Physique de l'Ocean (1968): XIV General Assembly at Bern, September-October 1967 8.6 Mb
No. 11 International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans (1970): XV General Assembly at Tokyo, September-October 1970 7.0 Mb
No. 12 International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans (1972): IAPSO Meetings at Moscow, July-August 1971 6.0 Mb
No. 13. International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans (1974): IAPSO First Special Assembly at Melbourne, January 1974. 8.5 Mb
No. 14. International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans (1976): General Assembly at Grenoble, August-September 1975. 14.0 Mb
No. 15. International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans (1980): XVII General Assembly at Canberra, December 1979 7.0 Mb
No. 16. International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans (1984): XVIII General Assembly at Hamburg, August 1983 9.9 Mb
No. 17. International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans (1988): General Assembly at Vancouver, August 1987.
No. 18. International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans (1992): General Assembly at Vienna, August 1991
No. 19. International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans (1996): General Assembly at Honolulu, July 1995
1. These publications form a continuation of the "Bulletins de la Section d'Océanographie de l'Union Géodésique et Géophysique Internationale", of which there were 17 numbers, No 1 being issued in 1921 and n. 17 in 1931.
2. Procès-Verbaux have not been published in paper form after No. 19.
To promote the study of the oceans and the interactions that take place at its boundaries with the sea floor, coastal environment and atmosphere, through the use of physics, chemistry, mathematics and biogeochemisty.
IAPSO gives importance to involving scientists and students from developing countries in oceanographic activities.