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No. 53 -Eugene La Fond Medal 2023 - Call forself-nominations

No. 53 -Eugene La Fond Medal 2023 - Call forself-nominations

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To: IAPSO Scientists from developing countries 

CC: IAPSO Executive Committee

From: Stefania Sparnocchia, IAPSO Secretary General

Date: 14 June, 2023

Eugene LaFond Medal 2023 - Call for self-nominations (Reminder)

The Eugene LaFond Medal 2023 will be awarded to an ocean scientist from a developing country making a presentation (poster or oral) in a IAPSO-sponsored or co-sponsored symposium at the IUGG 2023 General Assembly in Berlin, Germany, 12-17 July 2023. 


The criteria for eligibility of the recipient are as follows: 

1. The recipient shall be a scientist who

  - has gained much of their education in a developing country (with reference to the IUGG 2023 list here), and

    - is employed or studying in a developing country.

2. The research presented should have been mainly carried out in a developing country.


Prospective candidates are invited to identify their presentation as being eligible for the LaFond Medal. This is done by sending an email, including a brief CV describing their education and research activities, to the IAPSO Secretary General (sg@iapso-ocean.org) and copied to the President (trevor.mcdougall@unsw.edu.au). Please specify in the email the title of the presentation, the symposium in which it will be presented, and in what form (oral or poster).


A subset of the IAPSO Executive Committee shall undertake to view posters and attend oral presentations by eligible candidates. They shall select the award winner based on the clarity and quality of the presentation and the contribution of their work to the science of a developing country. In the case of jointly-authored presentations the selection committee shall ensure that the award winner has made a significant contribution to the research.

You can find more information on the IAPSO website (https://iapso-ocean.org/medals-and-awards/the-eugene-lafond-medal.html)


Applications must be submitted  by July 10, 2023

Contacting IAPSO


The Secretary-General is the main point of contact for all matters concerning IAPSO.

Dr. Stefania Sparnocchia

CNR - Istituto di Scienze Marine

Area Science Park - Basovizza - Edificio Q2

Strada Statale 14 - Km. 163.5

I-34149 Trieste, Italy

email: sg@iapso-ocean.org

Website: https://iapso-ocean.org/




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