Furthermore, the following three regional consultations are currently scheduled to take place in January 2020
7-9 January 2020, North Atlantic Workshop, Halifax, Canada (organized by the Ocean Frontier Institute with the financial support of the Department of Fisheries and Ocean (DFO), Canada). Please find here the Save the Date as well as Call for expression of interest to participate in the workshop (https://oceanfrontierinstitute.com/un-decade-2020);
8-10 January 2020, North and Central Indian Ocean Workshop, Chennai, India, (IOCINDIO/NIOT);
21-22-23 January 2020, Mediterranean Workshop, Venice, Italy (Italian Oceanographic Commission).
To promote the study of the oceans and the interactions that take place at its boundaries with the sea floor, coastal environment and atmosphere, through the use of physics, chemistry, mathematics and biogeochemisty.
IAPSO gives importance to involving scientists and students from developing countries in oceanographic activities.