2006 IAPSO Activities
IAPSO's Commission on Mean Sea Level and Tides, and the Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level, co-sponsored the Workshop, "Understanding Sea-Level Rise and Variability," held in Paris, France, in June, 2006. The Workshop was organized by the World Climate Research Program (WCRP) and hosted by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO. 163 scientists from 29 countries attended the workshop bringing together all relevant scientific expertise with a view towards identifying the uncertainties associated with past and future sea level rise and variability, as well as the research and observational activities needed for narrowing these uncertainties. The WCRP issued a summary report of the workshop.
The IAPSO Standard Seawater Service continued its operations under an agreement between IAPSO and Ocean Science International, Ltd. (OSIL).
IAPSO continued its joint activities with ICSU's Scientific Committee for Oceanic Research (SCOR). A new Working Group on Deep Ocean Exchange with the Shelf was organized, and was approved by SCOR as SCOR/IAPSO Working Group WG129. They will hold a working group meeting in conjunction with IUGG2007. Activities of other working groups continued. IAPSO/SCOR Working Group WG121, "Ocean Mixing," and SCOR/IAPSO WG127, "Thermodynamics and Equation of State of Seawater," will also hold meetings during 2007. The IAPSO Executive Committee reviewed proposals for other new Working Groups.
Several of IAPSO's activities underpin the climate projections of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the fourth report of which was issued in 2007. IAPSO's support of work on sea level is an obvious contribution. Without the activities of the Standard Seawater Service, IPCC would be unable to infer changes in precipitation over the oceans. The outcomes of Working Groups on Ocean Mixing and on the Equation of State of Seawater are likely to influence the climate models used in IPCC's 5th assessment due in 2014.
Planning continued for symposia to be held at the IUGG2007 General Assembly in July 2007. Final summaries were prepared on proposed symposia content, and convenors were identified. The symposia were listed on the IUGG2007 Web page and a proposed schedule was prepared. A call for papers was distributed to oceanographers worldwide.
Additional revisions were prepared to the IAPSO Statutes and By-Laws incorporating comments and suggestions received by representatives of the Adhering Bodies at the IAPSO business meeting in Cairns, Australia, in 2005. The revisions were transmitted to the IAPSO representatives of the Adhering Bodies for final approval, and formal adoption will be an agenda item at IAPSO's 2007 business meeting.
A call for nominations for the IAPSO Executive Committee was sent out to the Adhering Bodies. Some emphasis was placed on obtaining additional participation from developing countries, and nominations for new members include nominations received from Adhering Bodies in Turkey, Chile, South Africa, and Argentina. The Nominations Committee will prepare a formal slate of candidates for the election to be held in 2007.
A general call for nominations was sent out for the Prince Albert I Medal. The Awards Committee will identify a recipient of the medal to be awarded during IUGG2007.
The IAPSO Secretariat continued maintenance of the Web page, and handled general correspondence.