2014 IAPSO Activities 

Introduction of IAPSO
IAPSO has the prime goal of "promoting the study of scientific problems relating to the oceans and the interactions taking places at the sea floor, coastal, and atmospheric boundaries insofar as such research is conducted by the use of mathematics, physics, and chemistry."  IAPSO works mainly through 1) biennial scientific assemblies; 2) working groups; 3) Commissions; 4) Services and 5) website information. Of special importance to IAPSO is to involve scientists and students from developing countries in the activities.
IAPSO maintains formal liaison with other scientific commissions and committees. These include the ICSU's Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR), and UNESCO's Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC).
For more information see http://iapso.iugg.org/

The IAPSO office has been situated at Gothenburg University, Sweden since July 2007, and the day-to-day business has been managed by the Secretary General (SG) Johan Rodhe, Sweden. The Bureau of IAPSO comprises of the President, Eugene Morozov, Russia, the Past President, Lawrence Mysak, Canada, the SG, Johan Rodhe, and the Treasurer, Fred Camfield, USA. The SG has been responsible for the IAPSO website.
In 2013, there were three IAPSO business meetings and meeting of the EC during the Assembly in Gothenburg. The other IAPSO discussions were maintained by means of e-mail communication.

2014 was a year between the biennial General assemblies. The main task of the Bureau and the Executive Committee was the planning of the participation in the IUGG2015 General Assembly in Prague, Czech Republic, June 22-July 2, 2015. There will be 13 IAPSO only symposia, 5 IAPSO-lead Association-Joint symposia and 1 IAPSO-lead Union symposium. In addition IAPSO co-sponsors 6 Joint and 7 Union symposia.

Symposia Convened by IAPSO (only IAPSO Conveners and Co-conveners are noted):

  • P01 General Topics on the Physical Science of the Oceans. Convener: I. Ansorge  (South Africa), Co-conveners: I. Halo (South Africa/Mozambique), J. Durgadoo (Germany)
  • P02 Physics and Biogeochemistry of Semi-Enclosed and Shelf Seas. Convener: K. Schroeder (Italy), Co-conveners: H. Burchard (Germany), L. Demina (Russia), K. Ridgway (Australia)
  • P03 Ocean Mixing. Convener: T. Hibiya (Japan), Co-conveners: T. McDougall (Australia), L. Arneborg (Sweden)
  • P04 Oceanic Boundary Current Systems. Convener: J. McClean (USA), Co-conveners: S. Pierini (Italy), W. Cai (Australia), S. Waterman (Canada)
  • P05 Southern Hemispheric Forcing of the MOC and Carbon Cycle in Past, Present, and Future Climate Change. Convener: L. Beal (USA), Co-conveners: G. Marino (Australia), K. Kohfeld (Canada), M. Krug (South Africa), S. Dong (USA)
  • P06 The Southern Ocean: where Ocean, Ice and Atmosphere Meet. Convener: K. Heywood (UK). Co-conveners: A. Wåhlin (Sweden), A. Thompson (USA), R. Tarakanov (Russia)
  • P07 Chemical Trends and Impacts on Ecosystems. Convener: D. Smythe-Wright (UK), Co-conveners: E. Yakushev (Norway)
  • P08 MOC and Deep Currents. Convener: C. Meinen (USA), Co-conveners: E. Morozov (Russia), E. Frajka-Williams (UK), S. Drijfhout (Netherlands)
  • P09 The North Atlantic and Climate Change. Convener: S. Josey (UK), Co-conveners: S. Gulev (Russia), B. Hansen (Faroe Islands), S. Lozier (USA), P. Myers (Canada), F. Perez (Spain)
  • P10 Sub-Mesoscale Eddies. Convener: M. Sokolovskiy (Russia), Co-conveners: X. Carton (France), K. Koshel (Russia), Y. Cotroneo (Italy)
  • P11 Wind Waves, Including Extreme Waves. Convener: F. Qiao (China). Co-conveners: E. Pelinovsky (Russia), A. Babanin (Australia), C. Guan (China)
  • P12 Indian Ocean Expedition I to Indian Ocean Expedition 2 - Five Decades of Indian Ocean Oceanography: Challenges in Physics and Biogeochemistry of Indian Ocean. Convener: S. Shenoi (India), Co-conveners: M. McPhaden (USA); Y. Masumoto (Japan); R. Hood (USA)
P13 Internal waves dynamics in world oceans: from remote sensing, in situ monitoring to numerical modeling. Convener: X. Chen (China), Co-conveners: L. Qiang (China), R. Grimshaw (UK)
U7 The Potential for Carbon- and Climate-Engineering to Offset Global Change. Convener: Tim Kruger, Oxford, U.K.
  • JP1 Sea Level Change and Variability: Past, Present and Future. Convener: G. Mitchum, USA. Co-convener: P. Woodworth, UK
  • JP2 The Potential for Carbon- and Climate-Engineering to Offset Global Change. Convener: T. Kruger, U.K.
  • JP4 Satellite Oceanography and Climatology. Convener: A. Kostianoy, Russia, Co-conveners: S. Vignudelli, Italy, J. Benvenist, Italy
  • JP5 Tsunamis. Convener: V. Titov, USA, Co-convener: S. Tinti, Italy
  • JP6 Acoustical Oceanography. Convener: Silvia Blanc, Argentina

Joint symposia Co-convened by IAPSO (only IAPSO Co-conveners are reported):

  • JC1 Sea Ice in the Arctic and Southern Oceans. Co-conveners: G. Bjork, Sweden, A. Marchenko, Norway
  • JM1 Earth Systems Dynamics, Predictability and Probabilistic Forecasting. Co-convener: G. Swaters, Canada
  • JM2 Climate Variability and Earth Systems Modelling. Co-conveners: R. Marsh, U.K., S. Xie, USA, B. Qiu, USA
  • JM4 Data Assimilation in Geophysical Sciences. Co-conveners: K. Belyaev, Russia, L. Bertino, Norway, I. Fenty, USA
  • JS6 Array Techniques for Monitoring the State of the Earth. Co-conveners: Silvia Blanc, Argentina, S. Shenoi, India
  • JV3 Geophysical Imaging and Monitoring of Volcanoes. Co-convener: B. Levin, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia

The planning for the Assembly in 2017 has started. It will take place in Cape Town, South Africa. This will be a joint assembly with the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA) and International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS)

Working groups
SCOR is an important partner of IAPSO, and IAPSO co-finances SCOR working groups of relevance to IAPSO. In 2014 the IAPSO President E. Morozov and SG J. Rodhe participated in the SCOR meeting in Bremen (Germany). The SCOR meetings review the progress of current SCOR working groups, evaluate proposed new WGs, and decide which of them will be funded. A number of international SCOR-related scientific programs were discussed. Details can be found at the SCOR website (www.scor-int.org). IAPSO decided to support financially WG “Chemical Speciation Modelling in Seawater to Meet 21st Century Needs (MARCHEMSPEC)”. The work of this joint SCOR/IAPSO WG will be an important part of the IAPSO activity.
Working groups are usually formed of not more than 10 scientists from different countries to deliberate on a narrowly focused topic and report their work in a peer-reviewed publication, book, manual, or database. Working groups are expected to complete their tasks in 4 years or less. Information about SCOR activity and WGs is at the IAPSO webpage.

IAPSO Commissions and Services

  • Commission on Mean Sea Level and Tides (CMSLT), hosted by the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, UK. President: Simon Holgate. Website: http://www.psmsl.org/
  • Joint Committee on the Properties of Seawater, JCS (with SCOR and IAPWS)
Chair: Prof. Rich Pawlowicz, website: www.teos-10.org
  • Tsunami Commission (Joint with IASPEI and IVACEI). Chair: Dr. Vasily V. Titov. Website: www.iaspei.org/commissions/JCT.html
  • GeoRisk Commission (Joint with IAMAS, IAHS, IASPEI and IAVCEI). Website: www.iugg-georisk.org/
  • Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level, hosted by Proudman Oceanographic Labora-tory, UK. Contact: Dr. Lesley Richard. Website: www.pol.ac.uk/psmsl/
  • IAPSO Standard Seawater Service, hosted by OSIL, Havant, Hampshire, UK. Director: Paul, Ridout; Website Website www.osil.co.uk

The working groups commissions and services report to IAPSO. These reports are posted on the IAPSO website http://iapso.iugg.org/working-groups

Prince Albert I Medal
IAPSO and Monaco Royal Family established the Prince Albert I Medal for excellence in physical and/or chemical oceanography in honour of Prince Albert I. The precursor of IAPSO was established in 1919 thanks to the vision and passion for the oceans of His Most Serene Highness Prince Albert I of Monaco. He became the first President.
The year before the biennial assemblies, IAPSO selects a winner of the Prince Albert I Medal.
Professor Toshio Yamagata from the Institute for Global Change Research, Tokyo (Japan) was the winner in 2014 in recognition of his fundamental contributions to our knowledge of the ocean physics. The medal will be awarded to him at the IUGG2015 General assembly in Prague, and he will present a memorial lecture.

Eugene LaFond Medal
This Medal, created in honour of Eugene LaFond who was a former SG of IAPSO, is awarded to a scientist from a developing world country for a paper presented at an IAPSO Assembly.

Members of IAPSO Executive Committee (EC) for 2011-2015
President: Dr. Eugene Morozov (Russia) Secretary General: Prof. Johan Rodhe (Sweden) Past President: Prof. Lawrence Mysak (Canada) Treasurer: Dr. Fred Camfield (USA) Vice President: Dr. Isabelle Ansorge (South Africa) Dr. Denise Smythe-Wright (UK) EC Members: M.Sc. Silvia Blanc (Argentina) Prof. Toshiyuki Hibiya (Japan) Dr. Chris Meinen (USA) M.App.Sc. Ken Ridgway (Australia) Dr. Satheesh Shenoi (India) Dr. Stefania Sparnocchia (Italy)

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