2005 IAPSO Activities
During 2005, IAPSO's main activity was the Joint IAG/IAPSO/IABO Assembly in Cairns, Australia. IAPSO participated in 17 symposia including 7 IAPSO only, 7 Joint IAPSO/IABO, and...
2006 IAPSO Activities
IAPSO's Commission on Mean Sea Level and Tides, and the Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level, co-sponsored the Workshop, "Understanding Sea-Level Rise and Variability," held in...
2007 IAPSO Activities
The principal activity during the year was the participation in the General IUGG Assembly in Perugia, Italy, July 2-17. There were over 4000 participants from the different associations...
2008 IAPSO Activities
The EC and the Bureau have not met during 2008, though several issues have been discussed by e-mail, e.g. questions arising from the IUGG EC meeting. Two informal...
2009 IAPSO Activities
The Secretary General met with the SsG of the associations and the SG of IUGG in Munich 20 May for a first planning of the IUGG General Assembly 2011.