No. 33 - 2020-08-31: Change to IAPSO Statutes and By-Laws: Executive Committee membership

No. 33 - 2020-08-31: Change to IAPSO Statutes and By-Laws: Executive Committee membership
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LETTER TO IAPSO National Correspondents

By Stefania Sparnocchia, IAPSO Secretary General
31 August 2020


Dear National Correspondent,

In recent years the IAPSO Executive has felt constrained by the number of its members in relation to the ability to include representatives from all areas of the world and also younger scientists. At present there are in total 12 members on the Executive Committee and IAPSO is suggesting this be increased to 14. One of the two new places will be for a member at large and the other will be de facto for the chair of the IAPSO Early Career Scientist network.

This variation will affect Statute n. 8 and By-Law n. 8, which will be modified as indicated below (new wording with changes in bold):

  • Statute 8: In accordance with Section III, the delegates from countries having Members shall elect eight persons who, together with the President, immediate Past President, Vice Presidents, Secretary General, and Treasurer, shall constitute the Executive Committee of the Association. One of the eight members will be de facto an early career scientist, whose formal role will be to chair the IAPSO Early Career Scientists Working Group.
  • By-Law 8: Of the eigth persons referred to in Article 8 of the Statutes, not more than four may be elected to an additional term.

In the first instance these places will be filled by co-option onto the present committee, but in future IAPSO will ask for nominations from all delegates in the normal way.

Therefore, we ask all delegates to electronically agree the following,

In order to widen the membership of the IAPSO Executive Committee to give better geographical coverage and a voice to early career scientists, we propose, prior to our next formal business meeting in 2023

1) To approve the changes to Statute 8 and By-Law 8, which increases the number of persons elected in the Executive Committee from six to eight, including the chair of the IAPSO Early Career Scientists Working Group;

2) To appoint Rick Lumpkin, who was nominated on 2 June 2019 by the USA Member for the role of Executive Committee Member, and

3) To appoint Alejandra Sanchez-Franks, who was nominated by the UK Member on 22 November 2017 as the Early Career Network representative; she is currently chairing the Network.

You will soon receive an invitation for electronic voting from Franz Kuglitsch (IUGG Secretariat).

Electronic voting will remain open until 30 November 2020.

Please vote yes to both the questions to agree this proposal.

Best wishes,
Stefania Sparnocchia

Secretary General
The International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans, IAPSO
CNR-Istituto di Scienze Marine
Area Science Park - Basovizza - Edificio Q2
Strada Statale 14 - Km. 163.5
I-34149 Trieste, Italy


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