Sent by Stefania Sparnocchia, Secretary General IAPSO
15 February, 2020
 Call for session proposals for the Busan IAMAS-IACS-IAPSO Joint Assembly 2021 (BACO-21)
The Scientific Program Committee of the Busan IAMAS-IACS-IAPSO Joint Assembly 2021 (BACO-21, cordially invites you to submit session proposals. The deadline for session proposals is 15 April 2020.
BACO-21 will be held from 18-23 July 2021 at the Busan Exhibition and Convention Center (BEXCO) in Busan, Republic of Korea. The six-day event will bring together atmosphere, cryosphere and ocean scientists from around the globe to participate in scientific presentations and discussions, exchanges of information, and international earth science cooperation.
Proposals for individual sessions are invited on topics within the remits of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (, the International Association of Cryospheric Sciences ( and the International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans (
In particular, proposals for IAPSO sessions are invited on topics relevant to physical oceanography and biogeochemistry, which concern general aspects or applied to a particular geographic area (a specific Ocean, marginal or shelf sea, coastal zone). Some keywords are suggested (non-exhaustive list): mixing processes, storm surges, waves, coastal hazards, tsunamis, Meridional Overturning Circulation, deep currents. We will also consider session topics relevant for the Ocean Decade (sustainability, technological advances), Blue Economy and impacts of physical and chemical oceanography on society.
Themes for joint symposia concerning interactions between two or three of the atmosphere, cryosphere and ocean are not limited to but could include:
- Arctic sea ice reduction, ice shelf collapse and sea level change, Arctic Amplification, Southern Hemisphere sea ice increase, poleward heat transport by ocean and atmosphere, atmosphere-ice-ocean interactions, climate change in the polar regions
- Permafrost, planetary boundary layers over snow and ice, frozen lakes, Arctic-midlatitude weather linkages, Greenland and Antarctic surface mass balance
- Cyclones (Typhoon), Monsoon, coupled atmosphere-ocean modes of variability
- El Niño/Southern Oscillation and Inter-Ocean Interactions
- Plastic in the Ocean, Atmosphere and Cryosphere
- Dynamics and variability of the warming hole(s) in the climate system
- Global teleconnections and climate variability
- Past changes in the atmosphere, oceans and cryosphere, and their relevance for future climate
- Earth System Response to Solar Radiation Modification
Session proposals (maximum 300 words) should include:
- Session title
- Session topic: should be sufficiently broad to attract as many abstracts as possible
- Proposal type: association session, joint session with two or three associations, symposium comprising several individual or joint sessions
- Number of conveners: maximum of three for association sessions and no limit for joint sessions
- Convener information: Name, affiliation, address, email, country
- Number of presentations: could be adjusted later depending on room availability and number of abstracts received
Proposals will be considered on their scientific merits and the significance of their themes. Sessions may be aggregated before being included in the final program.
We strongly encourage diversity and the involvement of emerging scientist as conveners.
Contacts for submission of proposals:
- For Joint sessions: Dr.Seong-Joong Kim (,Chair of the Scientific Program Committee
- For IAMAS sessions: Prof. Steve Ackerman (, IAMAS Secretary General
- For IACS sessions: Prof. Richard Essery (, IACS Secretary General
- For IAPSO sessions: Dr. Stefania Sparnocchia (, IAPSO Secretary General
Correspondence Stefania Sparnocchia Secretary General The International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans, IAPSO Website: CNR-Istituto di Scienze Marine Area Science Park - Basovizza - Edificio Q2 Strada Statale 14 - Km. 163.5 I-34149 Trieste, Italy Italy email:
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