No. 29 - 2019-02-13: IUGG 2019 - IAPSO events and news

No. 29 - 2019-02-13: IUGG 2019 - IAPSO events and news
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To the IAPSO National Correspondents and delegates to IUGG 2019, National Committees, members of the Executive Committee

Sent by Stefania Sparnocchia, IAPSO Secretary General

13 February, 2019


IUGG 2019: IAPSO events and news


Dear Colleagues,

Please take note of the up-coming events and news you need to know before the IUGG General Assembly that will take place in Montreal (8-18 July, 2019).

1 – IAPSO scientific sessions

The IAPSO symposia will be scheduled between 9 and 14 July. The exact calendar will be drawn up after the deadline for the presentation of the abstract and their acceptance. The IAPSO scientific program can be found at the Assembly's website:

We are approaching the deadline of February 18, 2019 for abstract submissions and grant applications.

I invite you to disseminate information about this assembly within your community and to urge colleagues to participate and submit abstracts as soon as possible.

Please report any problem encountered in submitting abstracts or registration to the conference secretariat (

2 – IAPSO General Businness Meeting (GBM)


The IAPSO GBM is restricted to the delegates, members of the Association Executive Committee, and persons invited by the Association President when their attendance is deemed necessary to make reports or presentations to the delegates (IAPSO Statute 5a).


The IAPSO GBM is scheduled for July 11th from 8:30 am to 10:00 am. The minutes of previous meetings are available on the IAPSO website: The last meeting was in Cape Town, in August 2017.

The agenda will be sent in March to the Members and their accredited delegates, through the National Sub-Committees where such exist.

An important point of the agenda will be the election of new IAPSO Executive Committee (EC). Please refer to the communication previously sent




Nominations must be sent to the SG not later than 3 months before the General Business Meeting, i.e., not later than April 10th, 2019.


3 – IAPSO Executive Committee meetings

Meetings of the Association Executive Committee are restricted to members of the Executive Committee and persons invited by the Association President when their attendance is deemed necessary to make reports or presentations to the Executive Committee.


The following meetings are scheduled
IAPSO ECM 1 on July 8th from 8:30 am to 12:00 am. For members of the EC 2015-2019.
IAPSO ECM 2 on July 9th from 8:30 am to 12:00 am. For members of the EC 2015-2019.
IAPSO ECM 3 on July 14th from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. For members of the EC 2015-2019 and EC 2019-2023.

4 – IAPSO medals event


The IAPSO medals event is scheduled on July 12th from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm.


The Albert I Medal for 2019 will be awarded to Dr. Corinne Le Quéré. The ceremony includes her Memorial lecture.


The event will continue with the presentation of the Early Career Scientist Medals and the medalists' talks. The call for nominations closed on 31 January, 2019. There have been 12 nominations and the ECS Award Committee will publish the winner(s) by 1 March, 2019.

The information on the IAPSO medals is here:

5 – ECS networking event

An Early Career Scientists networking event is scheduled for July 9th starting at 6:30 pm.

6 – IAPSO dinner

We are planning an IAPSO dinner on 12 July. We will send information closer to the Assembly to the delegates registered as IAPSO.

Best wishes, and I hope to see you in Montreal

Stefania Sparnocchia


Secretary General
The International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans, IAPSO
CNR-Istituto di Scienze Marine
Area Science Park - Basovizza - Edificio Q2
Strada Statale 14 - Km. 163.5
I-34149 Trieste, Italy

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