This informal newsletter, rissued at least once a year, aims to keep IAPSO Members informed about the activities of the Association. IAPSO welcomes contribution from Delegates about recent research findings in their respective countries or details of research programmes that are upcoming or have been completed.
Past issues are stored in the IAPSO website (IAPSO Letters Archive). Please forward this message to those who will benefit from the information. Your comments and contributions are welcome (please write to
This number is especially dedicated to the next General Assembly and related events.
In this issue
1. IUGG General Assembly in Montréal, Canada
1.1 "Beyond 100: The next century in Earth and Space Science"
1.2 IAPSO sponsored and co-sponsored symposia
1.3 Preliminary program of symposia and other IAPSO activities
2. IAPSO Awards
2.1 Prince Albert I Medal 2019 : process update
2.2 Eugene LaFond Medal 2019 : call for candidatures
2.3 IAPSO Early Career Scientist Medal : Call for nominations extended to 31 January, 2019
3. Contacting IAPSO
1. IUGG General Assembly in Montréal, Canada
1.1 "Beyond 100: The next century in Earth and Space Science
The 27th IUGG General Assembly will be held July 8-18, 2019 at the Palais des Congrès in Montréal, Québec, Canada. This is a special opportunity for participants from Canada and from around the world to come together and share their science and culture. 2019 marks the 100th anniversary of IUGG; we will look back on the accomplishments of the previous century of Earth and space science research, and forward to the next century of scientific advancement. Join us for a host of scientific activities, including special public lectures, keynote Union lectures and a wide variety of themed sessions.
Abstract submission, online registration and accommodation reservation are all now open on the conference website:, and a call for proposals for workshops, short courses and Town Hall meetings is also available: We look forward to welcoming you to Montréal in 2019. Please sign up on the main web page if you would like to receive newsletters and updates for the conference.
Quick links:
Program overview and symposia details: Registration and housing reservation: Abstract submission: Sponsorship and Exhibition: Travel grant applications:
For additional information, please contact
1.2 IAPSO sponsored and co-sponsored symposia
IAPSO is sponsoring or co-sponsoring 31 symposia covering a wide range of topics. The program details can be found at the Assembly's website: and the summary list of the IAPSO symposia is shown in the in the following panels.
Quick link: IAPSO sponsored and co-sponsored symposia description:

1.3 Preliminary program of symposia and other IAPSO activities
The IAPSO activities, including the symposia labeled P * and JP *, will be concentrated between Tuesday 9 and Sunday 14 July 2019, except for the first meeting of the Executive Committee which will take place on Monday 8 July.
The exact timetable of the activities will be drawn up after the evaluation of the abstracts received from the various symposia.
2. IAPSO Awards
2.1 Prince Albert I Medal 2019 : process update
The Prince Albert I Medal is an award offered by the Foundation Rainier III of Monaco to a scientist who has made outstanding contributions to the enhancement and advancement of the physical and/or chemical sciences of the oceans. It is awarded every two years to a most prominent scientist chosen by a specially appointed IAPSO Award Committee. The Prince Albert I Medal 2019 will be presented during the IUGG General Assembly.
The Secretary General called for nominations for the 2019 award on 7 July, 2018. Nominations were accepted until 6 October, 2018.
The Award Committee was appointed following the protocol ( and is chaired by Trevor McDougall (IAPSO Vice-President, Australia). The Members of the Committee are Isabelle Ansorge (past Chair, IAPSO Vice-President, South Africa), Lynne Talley (2017 medalist, USA), Sabrina Speich (France) and Rik Wanninkhof (USA).
The results of the selection procedure will be known in January 2019.
2.2 Eugene LaFond Medal 2019 : call for candidatures
The Eugene LaFond Medal 2019 will be awarded to an ocean scientist from a developing country making a presentation (poster or oral) in a IAPSO-sponsored or co-sponsored symposium at the IUGG 2019 General Assembly.
The criteria for selection of the recipient are as follows:
• The recipient shall be a scientist who was born in a developing country. • The recipient should have gained a significant part of their education in a developing country. • Preference should be given to candidates who are in the early stages of their career. • The research presented should have been carried out at an institution in a developing country or should be of significant importance for developing countries.
How to apply?
Prospective candidates are invited to identify their presentation as being eligible for the LaFond Medal. This is done by sending an email, including a brief CV describing their education and research activities, to the IAPSO Secretary General ( and copied to the President ( Please specify in the email the title of the presentation and the symposium in which it will be presented, and in what form (oral or poster). Applications must be submitted before the start of IUGG 2019.
Read more on the IAPSO website:
2.3 IAPSO Early Career Scientist Medal : Call for nominations extended to 31 January, 2019
The IAPSO Early Career Scientist Medal was established this year by the IAPSO Executive Committee and will be awarded for the first time during IUGG 2019.
The Medal honours Early Career Scientists for their outstanding research in the physical or chemical sciences of the oceans, and for their cooperation in international research. It will be presented by the IAPSO President, every two years, at the biannual IAPSO Assembly, where the Awardee will be expected to give a talk on a scientific topic of their choice. Financial assistance to attend the Assembly will be available.
Procedure and requirements for Nomination Nominations for the IAPSO Early Career Scientist Medal must be submitted to the IAPSO Secretary General, by the stated deadline. Late submissions will not be considered.
Nominators should themselves be well qualified in the physical or chemical sciences of the oceans and be thus capable of judging the merits of the work in these areas.
Self nomination is not possible; nominations solicited by a nominee are considered as self-nomination.
Eligibility of nominee
The Nominee should meet the following criteria:
• They should hold a PhD (or equivalent) degree which must have been awarded no more than 10 years prior to the deadline for the submission of the nominations. In some circumstances, career breaks may be taken into consideration. • Be an active scientist with a track record at the cutting-edge of physical or chemical ocean sciences. • Demonstrate, where possible, international cooperation in the physical or chemical sciences of the oceans.
Nomination package
The nomination package should include
• a nomination letter (not exceed 2 single-spaced pages of A4 format) • a one sentence citation (citation should be 200 characters or less including space) • supporting letters (each letter should not exceed 2 single-spaced pages of A4 format) and be from scientists who co-operated with the nominee or are acquainted with the nominee's works through publications and their citations. At least 2 letters should be from outside the nominee's own organization • the nominee's CV (not exceed 3 single-spaced pages of A4 format) with an emphasis on their scientific work in oceanography and, if possible, their contribution to international scientific cooperation. • a list (not exceed 2 single-spaced pages of A4 format) of the most important published scientific works.
Call for nominations
The Secretary General called for nominations for the 2019 award on 1 October, 2018 (see The nomination package should be submitted to the IAPSO Secretary General at and in copy to, by the extended deadline of 31 January, 2019. Late submissions will not be considered.
Read more on the IAPSO website:
3. Contacting IAPSO
The Secretary-General is the main point of contact for all matters concerning IAPSO.
Dr. Stefania Sparnocchia CNR - Istituto di Scienze Marine Area Science Park - Basovizza - Edificio Q2 Strada Statale 14 - Km. 163.5 I-34149 Trieste, Italy
End of IAPSO Newsletter Volume 3 Number 1 (1 December 2018)
Edited by S. Sparnocchia (Secretary General)
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