Written by Johan Rodhe, IAPSO Secretary General
July 24, 2012
Prince Albert I Medal 2013, Call for nomination
Dear IAPSO National Correspondents, Â Executive Committee Members and other "IAPSO Scientists",
On behalf of the Prince Albert 1 Medal Award Committee, I would like to encourage you to start considering nominations of a prominent physical or chemical oceanographer for the Award. Â We would like to have your nomination not later than October 22, 2012. Please remember when making your nomination that the Prince Albert I Medal is awarded to a scientist who has made outstanding contributions to the enhancement and advancement of the physical and/or chemical sciences of the oceans. The medal will be awarded at the next assembly in Gothenburg, Sweden, July 22-26, 2013.
Nominations may be submitted at any time to the Secretary General of IAPSO Prof Johan Rodhe. Nominations must reach the Secretary General not later than 9 months prior to an Assembly to be considered for the 2013 medal. Nominations of well qualified candidates may be carried forward for consideration for future awards. The person accepting the medal is expected to deliver a Prince Albert I lecture on an oceanographic subject of his or her choosing at the Assembly where the medal is presented. IAPSO will provide travel expenses for that purpose.

The following requirements for nominations must be adhered to: 1. The nomination must be for significant work in the physical and/or chemical sciences of the oceans, as defined in the IAPSO Statutes and By- Laws, that has international relevance. Work in other scientific areas will not be considered and should not be cited. 
2. IAPSO does not accept self nominations. For purposes of definition, nominations solicited by a nominee are considered self nominations. 
3. Nominations must be from individuals who, themselves, are well qualified in the physical and/or chemical sciences of the oceans; and who are capable of judging the merits of work in that area. 
4. Nominations must be at arms length, i.e., they must be from individuals who are not directly employed by the nominee, and not otherwise engaged in research projects under the general direction of the nominee. 
5. Nominators are responsible for extracting and editing material used for the nomination. Excessively long attachments may be discarded by the Awards Committee.
 6. Nominations must be signed by the nominator, and must indicate the present position and address of the nominator. If retired, indicate the position retired from and the year of retirement. Nominations may be submitted by e-mail, but a hard copy of the nomination, bearing the nominator's signature, must be mailed or Faxed to the IAPSO Secretary General.
A complete nomination package should include: * a cover letter which states why the person should get the award (about 100 words -- this is essentially a citation); * a CV including 2-3 pages about education, positions, awards, research interests, service to the community, etc. and another 2-3 pages listing the best publications; * 3 letters of support.Â
For further information please view http://iapso.iugg.org/medals-and-awards/the-prince-albert-i-medal
"Knowledge for the future" IAHS/IAPSO/IASPEI Joint Assembly in Gothenburg, Sweden, 22 -26 July, 2013.
Best wishes,
Johan Rodhe Professor of Oceanography (Emeritus) Secretary General The International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans, IAPSO Website:Â http://iapso.iugg.org/