To: National Correspondents, EC members and other IAPSO Scientists
From: Stefania Sparnocchia, IAPSO Secretary General
Date: 2 May, 2023
Open Letter
1. Prince Albert I Medal winner 2023
2. Early Career Scientist Medal winner 2023
3. Eugene LaFond Medal 2023 - reminder
4. IUGG 2023: IAPSO Business Meetings and Side Events
5. Contacting IAPSO
1.Prince Albert I Medal winner 2023 |
Prof. John A. Church, Emeritus Professor at the University of New South Wales, Climate Change Research Centre, is the Prince Albert I Medal recipient 2023 for his outstanding contribution on sea level research and related new insights into climate change. |
John Church is the pre-eminent authority on sea level change in the 20th and 21st centuries and its response to natural and human factors. After reconstructing the global sea level record back to the 1870s, he provided new insights into earth’s radiation budget and the oceans’ sequestration of anthropogenic heat. His work has been central to successive IPCC Working Group 1 reports and to the projection of sea level change as it will affect the 100 million people living within 1 m of present mean sea level.
The medal will be presented to Prof. Church by IAPSO President, Prof. Trevor McDougall, on July 15, 2023 during the IAPSO Medal Ceremony, 15:30 – 17:00, room A4, City Cube, Level 1 during IUGG 2023, Berlin, Germany. On this occasion, Prof. Church will deliver the Memorial Lecture entitled "What do we really know about 20th and 21st Century sea-level change?".
2. Early Career Scientist Medal winner 2023 |
The 2023 IAPSO Early Career Scientist medallist in physical oceanography is Dr. Malte F. Stuecker (University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, USA) for his fundamental contributions to understanding the dynamics of tropical climate variability, its interactions with other parts of the climate system, and elucidating the spatial patterns of climate change. |
The medal will be presented to Dr. Stuecker by IAPSO President on July 15, 2023 during the IAPSO Medal Ceremony, 15:30 – 17:00, room A4, City Cube, Level 1 during IUGG 2023, Berlin, Germany. On this occasion, Dr. Stuecker will give a talk entitled "New perspectives on El Niño’s central role in the global climate system". |
3. Eugene LaFond Medal 2023 - reminder |
The Eugene LaFond Medal is awarded to an ocean scientist from a developing country making a presentation (poster or oral) in an IAPSO-sponsored or co-sponsored symposium at the IUGG or IAPSO assemblies.
Next meeting at which the LaFond Medal will be awarded is the IUGG 2023 General Assembly in Berlin, Germany, 11-20 July 2023.
Prospective candidates are invited to identify their presentation as being eligible for the LaFond Medal. This is done by sending an email, including a brief CV describing their education and research activities, to the IAPSO Secretary General ( and copied to the President ( Please specify in the email the title of the presentation, the symposium in which it will be presented, and in what form (oral or poster).
Applications must be submitted before the start of IUGG 2023.
4. IUGG 2023: IAPSO Business Meetings and Side Events
and Time
Meeting/Event Name
Tue, July 11
08:30 – 12:00
R3, City Cube, Level 3
IAPSO 1st Executive Committee Meeting*
Fri, July 14
18:30 – 20:00
M1, City Cube, Level 3
IAPSO General Business Meeting*
Sat, July 15
15:30 – 17:00
A4, City Cube, Level 1 |
IAPSO Medal Ceremony (Program) |
Sat, July 15
from 19:30 onwards
restaurant to be defined |
IAPSO dinner |
Sun, July 16
18:30 – 20:00
New York 2, Hall 7, Level 1 |
Joint Tsunami Commission Business Meeting |
Mon, July 17
18:30 – 20:00
R3, City Cube, Level 3
IAPSO 2nd Executive Committee Meeting* |
*by invitation only
5. Contacting IAPSO
The Secretary-General is the main point of contact for all matters concerning IAPSO.
Dr. Stefania Sparnocchia
CNR - Istituto di Scienze Marine
Area Science Park - Basovizza - Edificio Q2
Strada Statale 14 - Km. 163.5
I-34149 Trieste, Italy

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