No. 08 - 2010-11-08; SCOR/IAPSO, Abstracts for next IUGG General Assembly, IAPSO Website

No. 08 - 2010-11-08; SCOR/IAPSO, Abstracts for next IUGG General Assembly, IAPSO Website
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Written by LAWRENCE A. MYSAK, President IAPSO
OPEN LETTER No. 8 • November 8, 2010


SCOR/IAPSO, Abstracts for next IUGG General Assembly, IAPSO Website


Dear IAPSO Colleagues:

In September, Secretary General (SG) Johan Rodhe and I attended the annual SCOR meeting in Toulouse, France, where we reported on IAPSO activities, reviewed the accomplishments of current SCOR and SCOR/IAPSO Working Groups (WGs) and evaluated the proposals for six new SCOR WGs.  While several of the proposed WGs were rated quite highly, there were only sufficient funds in the SCOR budget to support one new WG, namely, Modern Planktic Foraminifera and Ocean Changes.  This WG will be co-chaired by Gerald Ganssen (The Netherlands) and Michale Kuchera (Germany).  The main goal of the WG is to synthesize the existing knowledge of modern planktic foraminifera, to build on this knowledge for identifying priority research, and to transfer expertise to a new generation of young researchers.  As a first step, a peer-reviewed open-access journal article will be prepared presenting the aforementioned synthesis.

As you know from an earlier e-mail from SG Rodhe, you can now submit abstracts of papers for presentation at the 25th IUGG General Assembly in Melbourne next June-July (abstract submission).  As the deadline for submission is early in the new year (January 17, 2011), I encourage you to submit your abstracts this fall, to avoid the rush in January. For those of you who are early career scientists from developing world countries, I would like to remind you about the Eugene LaFond Medal.  If you submit an abstract of a paper for the General Assembly, for either an oral or poster presentation, and you think that you are eligible for this medal, please let SG Johan Rodhe and myself know.  Details about this award are available on the IAPSO website (Eugene LaFond Medal).  At the General Assembly, the eligible talks and posters for this award will be reviewed by a selection committee, and a recommendation will be made at the end of the meeting.  At the joint assembly MOCA-09 in Montreal last year, this medal was awarded to Dr. Bamol Sow from Senegal.

With the passing of time, we are often saddened to learn of the deaths of our dear colleagues.  In the past few months, two for my former collaborators have died, namely, Dan Wright from the Bedford Institute of Oceanography in Halifax, and Peter Niiler from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in LaJolla.  To give wider notice of the deaths of our colleagues, Johan Rodhe is in the process of preparing a page on the IAPSO website where obituaries of these former colleagues will be posted.  On a more cheerful note, Johan is also going to prepare a new link on the IAPSO website where we can announce the awards and honours that IAPSO colleagues have just received.

With best wishes for the fall and winter holidays,


Lawrence A. Mysak
President, IAPSO
Canada Steamship Lines Emeritus Professor
Dept. of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
McGill University
805 Sherbrooke St. W.
Montreal, QC  H3A 2K6
Tel:  514-398-3768    FAX:  514-398-6115

Participate in IAPSO and related activities at
the 25th IUGG General Assembly in Melbourne, Australia,
June 27-July 8, 2011:


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