No. 39 - 2021-09-06: Call for IAPSO Best Practice Study Groups:- closing date is 15 November 2021

No. 39 - 2021-09-06: Call for IAPSO Best Practice Study Groups:- closing date is 15 November 2021
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To IAPSO scientists

Sent by Trevor McDougall, IAPSO President

6 September, 2021


Call for IAPSO Best Practice Study Groups.

Closing date is 15 November 2021.


Dear Colleague,



The International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans (IAPSO) is inviting applications for Best Practice Study Groups in the period 2022-2023. Each group will receive up to US$12,000 towards the costs of a meeting. Proposals should reach the IAPSO Secretary General via email by 15 November 2021. The proposers of Best Practice Study Group proposals will be notified by 31 December 2021 of the success or otherwise of their proposals.

Background on IAPSO
IAPSO is the peak international scientific body for physical and chemical oceanography. In fulfilling this role, IAPSO is actively involved in setting best-practice standards and procedures for the conduct of our science. We also run international oceanographic meetings every two years, and we are taking an increasing role in publicising the importance of the ocean. IAPSO is one of eight Associations of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) which, in turn, is one of the 40 scientific Unions and Associations presently grouped within the International Science Council (ISC).

Purpose of an IAPSO Best Practice Study Group
An IAPSO Best Practice Study Group will address an issue whose resolution will assist in the conduct of oceanographic research. In carrying out oceanographic research, a choice must frequently be made between a few options for measuring data, analysing data, processing software, or modelling a system. The reasons for choosing between competing methods are often not well documented and the relative strengths and weaknesses of these routes are usually not published or well known.

Where it is thought beneficial to bring together experts in competing methods to make detailed comparison then IAPSO may be willing to fund such a face-to-face meeting. There should be a definite prospect that such detailed comparison and discussions will result in an agreed position statement or guideline that outlines the relative strengths of the methods, procedures or software. These will help oceanographic researchers to make the best choices to, for example, analyse their data.

IAPSO is seeking to support two IAPSO Best Practice Study Groups in the 2022-2023 period. Each IAPSO Best Practice Study Group should arrange a meeting of several days' duration where consensus should be sought regarding the pros and cons of different techniques. Ideally, this consensus will result in a short technical guideline that will assist oceanographic researchers in making the best choices to, for example, analyse their data.

IAPSO recommends the successful groups make use of the repository of the IOC Ocean Best Practices System ( to survey existing documentation and experts related to the BP topic. We expect that the final documentation created by the group will be made accessible via the IOC Ocean Best Practices System and undergo the GOOS endorsement process.

Details of grant
A successful study group will receive up to US$12,000 towards the costs of a meeting to be held in the period 2022-2023. Each IAPSO Best Practice Study Group will involve a single meeting of several days' duration.

Criteria for selection
The following criteria will be used in the evaluation of the proposals

  • Does the proposal attempt to put forward best practices for a modelling, data collection, or data processing step or method in which researchers currently have a choice between various options?
  • Is there reason to think that a face-to-face meeting of specialists in these procedures might lead to progress in understanding the relative strengths of the options?
  • Is it reasonable to expect that a summary Guideline document will arise from such a face-to-face Study Group; a document that outlines the relative strengths of the analysis options?
  • Is there reason to expect that if such an IAPSO Best Practice Study Group did agree on and publish such an IAPSO Guideline, that most practicing ocean researchers would agree that the recommended method is preferred and would adopt this recommendation?
  • Will the use of this recommendation advance an important aspect of the physical or chemical sciences of the ocean?

Preference will be given to groups who intend to hold meetings in association with the IAPSO assemblies and/or present their results at the IAPSO assemblies.

How to Apply
A brief application of a few pages, which describes how the above criteria will be addressed by the study group, should be submitted. The application should include a list of potential attendees, as well as a budget indicating how the funding from IAPSO will enable the meeting to occur.

Send applications by email to the Secretary General of IAPSO at with a copy to by 15 November 2021.

Best regards

Trevor J McDougall AC FRS FAA

Scientia Professor of Ocean Physics & ARC Australian Laureate Fellow
School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New South Wales, Australia
tel: +61 2 9385 3498 mob: +61 407 518 183
President of the International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans (IAPSO)

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