No. 35 - 2020-12-02: Results of the vote on changing the IAPSO Statutes and By-Laws to widen the membership of the IAPSO Executive Committee

No. 35 - 2020-12-02: Results of the vote on changing the IAPSO Statutes and By-Laws to widen the membership of the IAPSO Executive Committee
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LETTER TO IAPSO National Correspondents and members of the Executive Committee

By Stefania Sparnocchia, IAPSO Secretary General
02 December 2020


Dear colleagues,

Between 31 August 2020 and 30 November 2020, IAPSO received ballots from 28 member countries (of 40 member countries eligible to vote).

The result is

- 28 affirmative votes on the proposed changes to the IAPSO Statute 8 and By-Law 8, which increase the number of members elected in the IAPSO Executive Committee from six to eight, including the chair of the IAPSO Early Career Scientists Working Group;

- 28 affirmative votes on the appointment of Rick Lumpkin as a member of the IAPSO Executive Committee;

- 27 affirmative and 1 abstained votes on the appointment of Alejandra Sanchez-Franks as the Early Career Network representative in the IAPSO Executive Committee.

According to IAPSO Statute 18: "These Statutes shall be changed only by a majority of two thirds of the votes cast by delegates at an Association Assembly or electronically in accordance with Section III. Any modification to the Statutes shall come into force at the close of the Association Assembly at which they are adopted, or in the case of electronic voting on the date at which they are adopted".

Therefore, the proposed changes to IAPSO Statute 8 and By-Law 8 are approved and adopted.

Dr. Rick Lumpkin and Dr. Alejandra Sanchez-Franks are appointed as members of the IAPSO Executive Committee until 2023, when it will be renewed.

Best wishes,
Stefania Sparnocchia

Secretary General
The International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans, IAPSO
CNR-Istituto di Scienze Marine
Area Science Park - Basovizza - Edificio Q2
Strada Statale 14 - Km. 163.5
I-34149 Trieste, Italy


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